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In Search of High Society Page 2
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Page 2
Lirim looked down momentarily before meeting the captain’s gaze. “Hard, but he was convicted. Guilty on all counts. Sentenced to five life sentences served consecutively, no concurrently.”
Capt. Jones nodded, a hard smile briefly appearing on his face. “Good. Do you have any other open cases?”
Lirim glanced at Aletta, his gaze puzzled. He answered slowly, “No sir. Some testimony on the Canticum case, but that’s months off yet.”
“I’ve received a rather unusual request this morning and have been thinking about how to respond to it.” He leaned back and steepled his fingers thoughtfully. “HSI has received a request for aid from the Glade.”
Aletta felt her eyes widen as Lirim suddenly became ramrod straight. If she remembered correctly, the Glade was where Lirim called home. Seeing that he wasn’t going to or couldn’t ask, she took it up. “A request for aid? What’s happened?”
Capt. Jones looked back and forth between them thoughtfully, a calculating gleam in his eyes. “Nothing out of the ordinary, Agent Sheridan.”
She frowned, puzzled. “Why would they do a request for aid if nothing out of the ordinary has happened?”
Capt. Jones nodded approvingly and sat up straighter. “Every late spring/early summer, the Glade experiences an influx of creatures called chimas. Originally they were thought to be an offshoot of chimera’s, thus the name. Truthfully, they are little more than nuisances. Although they can cause damage, they are typically unorganized and their attacks taper off after a few weeks. This year, that is not the case.”
Aletta noticed that Lirim relaxed slightly upon learning of the cause but didn’t take her gaze off of the captain when he was sharing so freely. Still, she reached out and gave Lirim’s hand a gentle squeeze before returning her hand to her lap.
Ignoring their byplay, Capt. Jones continued. “This year, the chimas attacks have been organized and caused more damage than anticipated. Also, this has gone on for over a month with no sign of abating. Like clockwork, they attack every fifty-five hours for a total of twenty-seven minutes and then disappear. There is no rhyme or reason for the attacks. Thankfully, there has only been property damage and no serious injuries. Still, the powers that be in the Glade believe that someone is controlling the chimas, for reasons unknown. They respectfully request that I send someone, a supernatural, to investigate and uncover whoever is behind this attack. However, this does not sit well with me.”
Lirim said quietly, “Sir?” A wealth of meaning lay behind that single word.
Capt. Jones answered the unspoken questions. “First off, I don’t like being dictated to. HSI was created to prevent imbalances of power, to be set apart from politics. By requesting aid, but only a certain type of aid, they are trying to control the department’s decisions. However, HSI was created to prevent imbalances and someone is clearly subverting the natural order of things. As such, I cannot turn a blind eye to it. Thus, they think that they have bound my hands.”
Feeling a growing sense of dread, Aletta said reluctantly, “Sir?”
A triumphant gleam in his eyes, Jones said, “Exactly. I have indeed decided to answer their call for aid. However, it shall be my choice to make. I shall indeed be sending a supernatural, but who better than someone who grew up there instead of an outsider? They wanted me to send a Lycan or a Giant, but I think that you shall serve the purpose admirably, Agent Bosk.”
Aletta knew that as soon as Lirim heard that the Glade was in trouble, nothing would stop him from returning. She also knew that she wouldn’t stand in his way. Besides, she wouldn’t be street ready for at least another month or more, so Lirim would probably be back before then. He was under enough stress as it was, she would be an adult and not whine.
She asked quietly, “What about me? Where will I be assigned? Will I have a temporary partner while Agent Bosk is investigating this matter?” She made sure that she stressed the word temporary.
Capt. Jones looked at her and frowned. “You, Agent Sheridan, have been placing me in a bit of a quandary. During the final piece of the investigation, you used your powers in unexpected ways and a few people noticed. I’ve had to dispel a few suspicions already, but it will be better if you stay out of sight completely. Plus having your secondary gift reveal itself was really quite inconvenient. Not for Agent Bosk, of course, but the oddity of having two disparate gifts is also raising undue interest. No, it’s best to have you completely invisible.”
Aletta bit back her protests, resigning herself to a long summer in the archives cataloguing old documents. She’d just promised herself that she wouldn’t cause Lirim any trouble, but she really didn’t expect to have to honor it so soon.
She was so busy pushing down all of the arguments wanting to spill out that she almost missed the captain’s next words. “That’s why you will be accompanying Agent Bosk to the Glade, although you will not take visible part in the investigation.”
She exclaimed in an unladylike fashion, “What?!?!”
Capt. Jones gave a satisfied smirk. “You will be accompanying Agent Bosk to the Glade. On paper, it will be so that you can work with your newfound gift as some of the world’s best healers are located there. Also, it’ll be a way to get you out from under the microscope. When people inquire, we can state that you are mastering your minor gift and also that you were only taking up space being on desk duty. Miss Townsend is getting irked with agents obsessions of sticking pencils in the ceiling every time they are on requisite desk duty.”
Aletta glanced at Lirim, confused, and he mouthed ‘Cara’. Aletta shook her head slightly, unable to believe that she’d forgotten Cara’s last name. Pushing it aside as unimportant, she turned and asked, “What will my duties be, besides mastering my healing?”
“You will be there for support. You are there for Lirim to run ideas by and also to keep your ears open. People talk more in front of healers or servants than they otherwise would. Also, although I strongly discourage it, your “path making” could be an invaluable asset. However, I would only use it as a last resort.”
He scowled at her and she quickly nodded her acquiescence. Trying to distract him, she asked, “When do we leave, sir?”
“Be on the first train tomorrow morning. Miss Townsend has all of the necessary information for you. Anything else?” Both Lirim and Aletta shook their heads. “Dismissed. Best of luck agents.”
They quickly rose and made their way from the office, Aletta absentmindedly refusing the arm that Lirim offered. Her head spun with all of the abrupt changes she’d just experienced. She’d been bored, but she hadn’t expected a trip halfway across the country. And what did the captain mean by that he had been dispelling suspicions about her? Although, if she stopped and thought about it, suddenly appearing in the middle of a crowded stage was kinda memorable. She’d just thought that all of the ensuing commotion had erased it from people’s thoughts. Apparently not.
As Lirim accepted the files from Cara, it suddenly clicked. They were traveling across the country first thing in the morning. She had so much to do! She was about to head over to her desk when Cara stopped her. “Before you go, Druery has requested to see you.” She paused before adding, “both of you.”
Aletta felt her eyebrows rise in surprise at this but nodded. She asked Lirim, “When can we meet up with him?”
He made a slight face but said, “I’m free now. Better to just get it out of the way.”
“All right.” Heading over to her desk, she grabbed the bonsai that had been sitting there. She turned and handed it to Lirim. “Would you mind carrying this? My leg is kinda iffy today.”
He took it and tucked it under one arm, extending the other one to her which she took gratefully. They quickly made their way down to the interrogation room where Druery was waiting. Instead of baiting them when they walked in, he remained silent, a concerned expression on his face. He barely glanced at the bonsai when it was set on the table, staying focused on Aletta.
She sank gratefully into the chair
that Lirim pulled out for her. Lirim chose to remain standing, positioned right behind her right shoulder. She sighed quietly but ignored it, hoping that it wouldn’t spark the other fae’s aggression. Surprisingly, Druery ignored it as well, focusing completely on her.
Pushing the oddity aside for now, she offered him a small smile. “You wanted to see us?”
He straightened and gathered his composure, but hints of worry still shone through. “Yes, thank you for coming. I heard that you were attacked.”
She carefully organized her thoughts before replying. “Yes, our latest case turned out to be more challenging than anticipated. However, if you’ll excuse my frankness, I don’t see why it would matter to you.”
His hand clenched momentarily before he relaxed them, his cool mask slipping back into place. “Although our association has been, less than ideal, you are one of the few people that have treated me with courtesy. I would hate to see something happen to you while we still have unfinished business.”
Although Aletta knew that he was serious about the unfinished business, she was surprised by the sincerity in his eyes when he’d said that she’d been one of the few that had treated him with courtesy. What had his life been like if their encounters were being termed courteous? Since she couldn’t see Lirim’s face, she decided to just roll with it.
“I’m afraid that our last encounter wasn’t all that courteous. But I digress. What did you need us for?”
“I wanted to warn you.” Lirim growled and Druery held up his hands placatingly. “I’m not threatening her. However, prisoners talk and I have been hearing more and more chatter about Agent Sheridan and what she may or may not be. There have been several very concerning rumors swirling, not the least of which is the possible bounty on her head, although I have not been able to either verify or discredit that rumor.”
Lirim moved half a step forward and Aletta was startled by the intense expression he wore. “Why would there be a price on her head? And why would you warn us? After all, we are enemies.”
“There have been rumors that her gift is not what she is registered for. At this point, the whispers seem to indicate that whoever is behind this wants her alive and unharmed, but there is no way to confirm that. I know that you believe me scum. I have done things to survive that I am not proud of. But I still have my honor, no one has ever taken that from me nor will they. I refuse to allow her to walk unwittingly into a trap. She has honored her word and she will keep it no matter the costs. I respect that.”
Lirim nodded sharply, honor a concept he was obviously familiar with. He asked, “What do you recommend?”
“Agent Sheridan and you need to keep a low profile for the next several weeks. Have someone discreetly investigate the rumors, see if they can discover where they’re coming from.” He paused before reluctantly admitting. “I have a rather extensive network, but have been unable to pinpoint anything. It’s, unsettling.”
Observing him closely, Aletta knew that it would be useless to push him any further. Waiting until she was sure that Lirim wasn’t going to speak, Aletta said gravely, “You are indeed honorable. Thank you for informing me. As it happens, Capt. Jones has mentioned that people have been inquiring about me, so Agent Bosk and I will be leaving to investigate a case that will keep us out of the spotlight, hopefully for several weeks.” Druery relaxed at this and Aletta puzzled over how enemies could become allies while still an enemy. She shook her head and let it go.
She continued quietly, “Although you say that I have treated you with courtesy, I cannot in truth claim that. But I’ve been thinking lately and discussed a few things with the captain.” She nudged the bonsai so that it sat squarely in between them. “I have been informed that fae find captivity difficult, cut off from nature. Since you have been thoroughly vetted and cannot draw power from plants, it has been cleared that you can have a plant in your cell. I picked a bonsai in hopes that it will bring you peace and tranquility. Also, you’ve been granted limited library access. Only one book at a time on not on any dangerous subject like weaponry or warfare. Once we settle in, I’ll write you and check up on things. Was there anything else you needed to discuss with us?”
He sat there, stunned, before slowly shaking his head no. Hesitantly, he reached out and gently brushed the bonsai with one finger. There was such a mix of bittersweet, longing, and disbelief on his face that Aletta felt like she was intruding on something and glanced away.
Aletta pushed away from the table and stood slowly, testing her leg. “If there’s nothing else, Agent Bosk and I must be going. We’re leaving tomorrow, so I’ll see you when we get back. However, I must warn you. If you act up, your privileges will be removed. Good day.”
Lirim offered her his arm and she almost declined, but the slight strain around his eyes changed her mind and she slipped her arm through his, sighing inaudibly. However, as they stepped out into the corridor, she realized that they were leaving first thing in the morning. She had so much to do!
Chapter Two
Aletta made it to the train station with three minutes to spare. She discreetly wiped away sweat as she jogged through the crowd, scanning for Lirim. He had offered to pick her up, but she knew that she wouldn’t be ready when he was, so had offered to meet him at the station instead. If Lena hadn’t forcibly shoved her out the door, she would’ve missed the train entirely. As it was, she had two minutes to locate Lirim and board the train. She prayed that he had the tickets then shook her head. This was Lirim that she was talking about, of course he had already bought the tickets.
Finally spotting him, she broke into a sprint, towing her suitcase behind her. She skidded to a stop in front of him and bent over to catch her breath, letting her suitcase clatter noisily to the floor behind her. After several seconds, she straightened to find him watching her with a reluctant grin.
He teased, “Cut it close enough?”
She groaned, “Please tell me that you got our tickets.”
He held them up, before tucking them into his pocket and scooping up her suitcase. “Come on, it’s time to board. This is all your bringing?”
She nodded and followed him. It was easier to follow him as he easily parted the crowd. “This should be enough and if it’s not, I’m sure that there are shops at the Glade, right?”
“True. Watch your step.” He set their bags down and assisted her up onto the train, then grabbed the bags and followed her. Right then, last call sounded and the doors hissed shut.
Aletta grinned cheekily at him and he chuckled. “Now what? I admit that I hadn’t thought past getting on the train.”
He sighed but it lacked any true exasperation. “C’mon, our cabin is this way.” He seemed to suddenly think of something and frowned. “Should you have been running on your leg?”
She shrugged, “I don’t know.” She looked at her leg assessingly. “It doesn’t hurt, so I think it’s ok.”
He seemed to growl quietly, but Aletta couldn’t be entirely certain. Visibly reining in his irritation, he said, “Let’s put our things in the cabin then we can go see the medic on board and double check. We don’t need you out of action before the case even starts.”
She frowned thoughtfully. “I thought that I was just back up and to get me out of sight.”
His ill humor dissipating, he offered her a crooked grin. “When have things ever gone by plan with the two of us?”
“Good point.”
* . * . *
Lirim surveyed the train station impatiently for Aletta. He’d already been waiting for almost an hour with no sign of her. He had offered to pick her up, but she had declined. As it was, he was torn about taking her. He wasn’t thrilled about returning to the Glade, but it was his duty to help deal with the unusual chimas outbreak. He had read the reports and Jones was right, this was in no way a normal occurrence. Someone was clearly behind it.
However, the Glade was a world away from Isenton. Different rules, different set of people. He knew that Aletta could take care o
f herself, but throw her into an alien world and the chance of something happening increased. Add in the fact that she was not at her best with her leg slowing her down and the odds increased substantially of something happening. He would be torn between solving the problem and watching over her. On the other hand, people were apparently talking about her and discreetly investigating her. He should’ve known that it would happen. Mr. Lacroix was a smart man who apparently missed very little. However, the end of the case had been so hectic that he had blocked it out. In the end, he decided that it was better to have her where he could keep an eye on her rather than worry constantly about what was happening in his absence. And he had faced chimas before, so it was nothing that he couldn’t handle.
Aletta finally appeared, flushed and out of breath from her sprint, two minutes before the final call. He shook his head in disbelief but hustled her onto the train. They made it just in time, boarding the train right before the doors closed. After handing their tickets to the conductor and locating their cabin, they set off in search of the train’s doctor. He couldn’t believe her recklessness in running on a hurt leg. She was a very intelligent woman, except when it came to taking care of herself.
He leaned against the wall of the medical cabin with his arms crossed as the doctor examined her, the pair of them joking back and forth. Finishing his examination, the doctor turned to Lirim and smiled. “She’s fine, no strain at all. These casts are designed to deal with the wear and tear of daily life, so a small sprint to catch a bus or train shouldn’t strain the healing limb. However, I wouldn’t advise anything more strenuous than a brief sprint. A minute or two of serious running could seriously redamage the leg and set back recovery time substantially.”
Lirim nodded his thanks and silently steered Aletta out of that compartment and back to their cabin. Aletta thankfully didn’t protest and strain his fraying temper, merely waving goodbye to the doctor and looping her arm cheerfully through his. Her touch soothed away his growing irritation and he sighed. How could he possibly explain the emotions rioting through him? Although they had two days until they reached the Glade, so maybe he would be able to find a way during that time.